9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

Lucila Voloschin

Argentina. Holistic Integral Therapist and Coach. Supports individual and group processes of self-awareness, healing, sexuality, deep transformation, and expanded consciousness through individual sessions, classes, workshops, and group retreats. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology (National University of Cuyo). Founder and Co-Director of Atman Transdisciplinary Therapeutic Center in Mendoza, Argentina. Consultant in Conscious Bio Existence and Bio Emotional Decoding (Humano Puente). Coach in Sacred Sexuality. Integral Psychological Coach (Empowerment Foundation).


Graduated from Level 1 of SSXEx (Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience) in Jerusalem, Israel, from ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) and participated as an Assistant to facilitators in SSXEx Level 1 Argentina in March 2023. Certified in the Teacher Training of Tantric Pulse (Llena de Vida School of Sajeeva Hurtado). Assistant and participant in the Tantra From The Heart Immersion by Leonie Louise (Thailand). Trained in Sacred Sexuality modules with Tantra Masajes para el Alma School in Buenos Aires. Guardian of Feminine Nature Processes and Specialization in Sexuality (Escuela Hacia la Tierra). Facilitator of Women’s Circles (Unify Sisterhood). Integral Yoga Teacher (Argentine Federation of Yoga), Ashtanga Yoga Instructor (Satchidananda Ashtanga Yoga Institute Mysore, India), Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor (World Peace Initiative Foundation, Thailand).


Co-creator of the MEME Mejor Medita Maratón de la Calma initiative. Facilitator and Explorer in various spaces of Tantra, Eros, and Sacred and Conscious Sexuality. Passionate traveler. Loves writing and continues to study and learn. Lifelong dancer.


Social media:

Instagram @anima.tantra e Instagram @lucilavoloschin

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