Founder of @Resonancia.Argentina, eternal Student of Sacred Geometry, and Trainer in Geometric Weaving.
My work focuses on expanding a Unified Vision of the Universe by weaving a common thread through the Universal Language of Sacred Geometry, connecting various Nodes or Fields of Knowledge that encompass Science, Philosophy, History, Occultism, Astronomy, Art, New Technologies, and Applications with the Intention of Remembering and Activating within Us the Seeds of a New Humanity.
We understand Sacred Geometry as the Universal Language that Connects us with the NETWORK and Allows us to learn to Create in “the image and likeness” of the Cosmos to Bring Heaven to Earth. I share this Profound Language in a very simple and functional way, transmitting the Concepts and Practical Applications that have served me most on my Path of Self-Knowledge, Healing, and Personal Development.
My Passion here is to make this Ancestral Wisdom accessible again, placing it back in the Service of Science and Spirituality, helping Everyone to Recognize their I AM and Activate their Inner Potential.
Currently, I am promoting Practical Tools for the Near Future around the World and sharing our Geometric Weaving Technique and Active Meditation that Reminds us of the Paths Creation takes to Generate Realities.
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