Rainbow Bridge

Be part of the planetary network from your home.

9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.


FREE WILL April 30, 2021 SUMMARY Matías reflects on the nature of the mind, the universe, and humanexistence. He describes how the mind is a network of data in constantevolution, where our choices reflect our connection to universalconsciousness. He suggests that we are co-creators of our reality andthat our capacity for choice is rooted in […]


BIRTH April 29, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías explores how ideas manifest in life and theimportance of being in harmony with oneself and the environment toachieve this. It is highlighted that the mind and consciousness are partof a universal network of data exchange. The need for both internal andexternal coherence for ideas to become […]


PERISHMENT April 28, 2024 SUMMARY Matías reflects on his experience at the pyramids, feelingmelancholic as he sees them as ruins, recalling the once vibrant energythey held. Through an internal dialogue with himself, he explores theidea of destruction and perishment as an inherent part of the cosmos. Hedelves into the notion of eternal cycles of expansion […]


GROWTH April 27, 2021 SUMMARY This dialogue explores concepts of growth, observation, and play froma spiritual perspective. It reflects on the connection between theuniverse, observation, and creation, comparing the evolution of cellsand organisms with personal and spiritual growth. The importance of playis highlighted as a key to holistic development, inviting one to adoptan attitude of […]


REPRODUCTION April 26, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías shares an experience where he connects withhis loved ones in a sacred place. He feels the presence of his grandsonand his unborn son. Through this connection, he undergoes a creativejourney guided by divine masculine and feminine forces. He realizes thatreproduction goes beyond physical procreation, understanding that […]


INTEGRATION April 25, 2021 SUMMARY This dialogue reflects on Integration as a fundamental principle ofthe Universe, likening it to a fabric that binds together all theexperiences and relationships of our lives. Being integral involvesrecognizing and accepting all facets of oneself, both the lights and theshadows. We are invited to engage in a practical exercise of […]


EXPERIMENTATION April 24, 2021 SUMMARY The dialogue explores concepts such as channeling, expression, andexperimentation as ways to connect with deeper aspects of oneself andthe world. Channeling is likened to theatrical performance, where onetakes on the role of another to better understand them. Additionally,the importance of trying out new experiences in everyday life as amethod of […]


EXPRESSIVENESS April 23, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías reflects on the importance of action andinaction in the manifestation of reality. He emphasizes that both actionand inaction yield results, but in different ways, depending on thedesired purpose. Furthermore, he mentions the role of expressiveness ineducation and theater as a tool to express the internal withoutjudgment, […]


TRANSCENDENCE April 22, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías explores the concept of transcendence as oneof the four universal foundations, along with expression,experimentation, and integration. He explains that transcending does notimply eliminating the past, but integrating it as part of the experienceto move towards higher levels of understanding. The conversationproposes a contemplation exercise in which […]


INITIATION April 21, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías discusses the beginning of a newastrological cycle with the sign of Aries as the protagonist,emphasizing the importance of action over reaction. He explores theinitiating nature of Aries and how this moment invites one to startsomething new in life. He delves into the concept of initiation from […]

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