URANUS February 20, 2021 SUMMARY In the dialogue between ‘I’ and ‘AM,’ the mystery of Uranus, theplanet of the Mind and spirituality, is explored. Uranus, which rotatesunusually, challenges humans to change their perspective and connectwith the divine in a unique way. Massaging the crown area andcontemplating the reversal of mental patterns is the key to […]
ORGANISM January 30, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matias reflects on the importance of structures and patterns in the universe, recognizing that they do not limit but rather sustain and enable the experience. The concept of constancy is explored as the ability to maintain actions over time, and the idea that the cosmos […]
ESQUEMAJanuary 29, 2021 RESUMEN Matías, while visiting the Temple of Horus in Edfu, reflects on how schemes are fundamental for understanding reality. Through examples ranging from cave paintings to the alphabet, he explores how schemes simplify and summarize the complexity of life and existence. He concludes that knowing oneself and understanding one’s internal schemes is […]
BASISJanuary 28, 2021 SUMMARY During his visit to the island of Elephantine in Aswan, Egypt, Matías contemplates the ruins of the ancient temple of Khnum and reflects on the importance of foundations in life. Through his experience, Matías comes to the conclusion that life is like an ancient temple constantly under reconstruction, where each culture […]
AGRICULTURE January 27, 2021 SUMMARY This dialogue emphasizes that humility arises from recognizing the interdependence between humanity and the Earth, reminding us that the Earth is the source of life and nourishment. It also highlights the importance of understanding where our food comes from and how it is produced. The connection with the Earth is […]
CULTURE January 26, 2021 SUMMARY Matías explores the relationship between spirit, body, and culture. According to him, the spirit is vast and omnipresent, not limited by the body, but at the same time, it manifests in matter. He compares this relationship to a field that must be cultivated: the body is the soil, the soul […]
TECHNOLOGY January 25, 2021 SUMMARY Matías reflects on the interconnection between spirit, soul, and body. He describes how the body is a manifestation of the spirit and soul, and how these entities are not external agents to the body but attributes of a living being. Furthermore, he explores the idea that spirit and soul are […]
ECONOMY January 24, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, the evolution of the economy throughout history is explored, and how it has been used to control people. It emphasizes that the real problem does not lie in money itself, but in the lack of coherence and awareness in its use. The importance of returning to the […]
EDUCATION January 23, 2021 SUMMARY Matías reflects on the difference between education and teaching. He discovers that education involves bringing out what is within oneself and expressing it outward, while teaching focuses on showcasing what is outside and pointing to what is considered truth. Throughout his life, Matías has experienced both educators and teachers and […]
POLITICS JANUARY 22 SUMMARY Matías’ text addresses the evolution of political systems throughout history and proposes a reflection on the future of politics. In essence, he suggests that the politics of the future should be based on Humanism, where politicians act as humanists offering options and tools to people rather than representing ideologies or parties. […]