INTELLIGENCE JUNE 12 SUMMARY In this dialogue between two individuals, profound gratitude isexpressed for a liberating and transformative encounter. The nature ofintelligence is reflected upon, expanding the understanding of thisconcept beyond mere accumulation of knowledge. Twelve different types ofintelligence are explored, recognizing that each individual possesses aunique combination of them. Finally, advocating for self-acceptance asintelligent […]
SOUL MATE JUNE 11 SUMMARY Matías awakens with acute sensitivity after an intense journey alongthe Nile. He feels exhausted and disoriented, his body and mindsaturated by the experiences lived. After fainting, he reflects on theintensity of love and human connections, especially when remembering hisformer love, Sobek. Through a reflective dialogue with his “I AM,”Matías concludes […]
LIGHT AND SHADOW JUNE 10 SUMMARY Matías’s text prompts us to reflect on the importance of eclipses asmoments of introspection and transformation. He reminds us that thesecosmic events not only impact the external world but also affect usinternally, awakening our lights and shadows. Matías invites us to lighta candle and meditate on our positive and […]
TO BE – NOT TO BE JUNE 9 SUMMARY In this profound dialogue between Matías and his interlocutor, thefundamental question of human existence and death is addressed from aspiritual and reflective perspective. The duality between “to be or notto be” is posed, and the concept of “Not Being” is explored as thefertile ground where “Being” […]
ART May 20 SUMMARY In this narrative, Matías deeply reflects on his relationship withart and how it acts as an extension of spirituality and the humancapacity for creation. Through dialogue, it is explored how art is notonly a form of entertainment but a portal to soul expression, allowingthe individual to manifest the infinity of their […]
FILM May 19 SUMMARY The text reflects a deep conversation about cinema, described as the”Seventh Art,” recognized for its ability to encapsulate movement andits unique contemporary role among the fine arts. Matías and hisinterlocutor explore how cinema, unlike traditional arts, allows for thevisual projection of thoughts, emotions, and narratives, connectingdirectly with the viewer in a […]
ARCHITECTURE May 18 SUMMARY This dialogue delves into the perception of reality through theobservation of constant movement in the universe and how it defines ourtangible experience of the world. Matías and his interlocutor explorethe idea that everything is in constant motion, although we perceive itas static due to the limitations of human perception. They discuss […]
DANCE May 17 SUMMARY Matías and his interlocutor explore the deep and spiritual meaning ofdance, perceiving it as an expression of movement that connects thehuman being with the universe. They discuss how dance acts as a bridgebetween the physical and the spiritual, allowing people to experienceand manifest the vibrations and rhythms of the cosmos through […]
SCULPTURE May 16 SUMMARY In this profound dialogue, Matías explores the essence of the humanbeing and its intrinsic connection to the earth, symbolized throughclay. This exchange reflects on how we are shaped, not only physicallybut spiritually, from the natural elements that constitute ourenvironment and our being. The discussion reveals a vision of humanityas creations formed […]
LITERATURE May 15 SUMMARY In a profound exchange about the transformative power of poetry andliterature, Matías and his interlocutor explore how words and poems aremuch more than mere sets of letters; they are vibrational codes thatmanifest realities. A poem becomes an alchemical act that, akin toscience, combines elements to create something new, with the power […]