1st DIMENSION March 02, 2021 SUMMARY In this introspective dialogue, “I” immerses itself in the experience of being light, radiating with such intensity that the space around it illuminates. However, this expansion leads him to lose perception of its surroundings, plunging him into a state of emptiness and reverie. Guided by “AM,” “I” discovers that […]
SUN March 01, 2021 SUMMARY This dialogue reflects on the nature of the human ego, personified asthe Sun. Throughout the dialogue, the relationship between theindividual and their ego is explored, highlighting how the ego serves asa point of reference and unification of the attributes of being. Theimportance of recognizing and accepting one’s own brilliance isemphasized, […]
JUPITER February 28, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, the loss of meaning and the search for the soul’spurpose are explored. As the existence is questioned and the limitationsof the ego are transcended, it is understood that true purpose is nottied to tangible goals but is part of an eternal cycle that encompassesall lives and forms. […]
SATURN February 27, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías reflects on the spiritual experience ofconnecting with his inner self while contemplating the meaning of theplanet Saturn in mythology and daily life. Through this connection,Matías understands the importance of reviewing the past, recognizing theunity of all parts of his life, and celebrating the internal richness hehas […]
MARS February 26, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías reflects on human nature and itsrelationship with Mars, the red planet. He highlights the dualitybetween expansion and limitation, represented by Mars’ action and thefear and panic satellites Phobos and Deimos. The struggle for possessionand control is related to the fear of loss and the need for […]
PLUTO February 25, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías explores the symbolism and influence ofPluto and its satellite Charon on human beings. Through an analogy withthe escort of a king, he explains the concept of a satellite and itsrelationship with the Moon and other celestial bodies. Pluto, althoughnow considered a dwarf planet, remains significant for […]
MOON February 24, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue between “I” and “AM,” Matías explores the profoundconnection between humanity and the Moon, presenting it as a symbol ofunity and protective mother. It is highlighted how the lunar presenceinfluences natural cycles, human biology, and spirituality. Theconversation invites reflection on the impact the Moon has on our livesand […]
VENUS February 23, 2021 SUMMARY Matías recalls his childhood with his aunt Olga, who dedicated muchof her time to the garden and taught him about plants. Despite beingmistreated by her family, she loved them and remembered them withadmiration. Through her connection with nature and her faith in theeternal, she taught him about life and death. […]
MERCURY February 22, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías shares an introspective experience where hereflects on his dreams and internal struggles. He wakes up with a senseof spiritual longing and freedom, but also with profound anguish.Through a dialogue with his inner self, he reflects on the meaning offreedom, purpose, and the duality of his being. […]
NEPTUNE February 21, 2021 SUMMARY In this dialogue, Matías reflects on the significance of closingone’s eyes and immersing oneself in the inner world. In doing so, heexplores the importance of sleep as a vital process for the regenerationof the body and mind, as well as the connection between external andinternal reality through emotions. Neptune, as […]