Gemini Mind: I Communicate

In our Gemini month, the first mental week speaks to us of something that arises in our dreams and expands in the breath. How to understand it? Well, the reading tells us through this sacred Trinity that it is time to share our ideas. Due to this new moon, we may be susceptible to new […]

If I allow myself to find that invisible particle of being within me,in the face of the ego’s voracity, then during the physical week, I willallow my being to emerge into a new expansion that creates a newpattern. Patterns are not negative when the being knows how to use themconsciously. The letters of this week […]

During the emotional week of Aries, we face the ego, the emotionalreference point that perceives the world around us. The Ego encompassesall the potentialities of the being, but uses them to survive, andtherefore, it accumulates resources or invades spaces. We call thesemechanisms egocentrism and selfishness, respectively. Since thebeginning of time, the factors of accumulating or […]
Pisces Month: I Create – Physical

Advance, Vibration, Mutate, are the intentions of this reading for the Physical week of Pisces. It advises us to change something, to transform into something new, and for this, we must tune in to this intention. Mutating is the ability to adapt to the environment. Therefore, this spread tells us that we must advance on […]
Pisces Month: I Create: Emotional

This emotional week of Pisces, the oracle invites us to reflect on our reactions in life. Generally, we tend to live through reactions, which are impulses from our nervous system in response to external circumstances. Usually, we consider reactions as animal instinct, but if we bring awareness to the process, we can use them as […]
Pisces Month: I Create – Mental

In the month of Pisces, we dedicate ourselves to the emotional journey of the Dream, to imagination, utopia, and unconditionality. For the mental week of Pisces, the oracle’s message is to Speak/Visualize/Path. What these three concepts mean is to put into words what is on our mind and what we want to become part of […]
Aquarius Month: Physical

In the same vein as the entire month, the reading for the physical week tells us to go beyond the thoughts that others may impose on us. We’ve mentioned that mentally we must open ourselves to receiving a tool from the past that will be useful in our evolution, but that we must ensure we […]
Aquarius Month: Emotional

During the emotional week, a belief will gently invade us. Related to the message of the mental week, it’s time to awaken inherited tools to move forward, but let’s pay attention to something: taking the tool does not imply that we should be cautious with the emotions linked to it. That is, I can inherit […]
Aquarius Month: Mental

For this first Aquarius intention, we are told to Awaken a Legacy for Inertia. This means that something we have inherited from our ancestors is about to awaken within us as a way to move forward in the development of this new stage. Not everything from the past is karma or unresolved issues that need […]
I USE: Capricorn Physical

In this third week it is time to open up to start a new path. The first card, NH, is the open palm of the hand, which opens to receive from the universe, from heaven, from someone, something that I need and do not have in me. The second letter is S, which represents space, […]