HUMAN JULY 27 SUMMARY To be human means to be an integral part of the Earth, born from itselements. We emerged as a diverse branch of hominids millions of yearsago and evolved into Homo sapiens, a conscious species capable ofthinking and adapting. Our existence is not merely the result of anevolutionary lineage, but an interconnection […]
ANIMAL 26 JULY SUMMARY The consciousness of fauna is linked to the essence of the AnimalKingdom, whose movement and vital energy manifest in the pursuit ofpleasure, feeding, rest, and reproduction. This primordial energy,represented by the Faun, symbolizes both chaos and fear as well asfertility and the joy of living. The deep connection between livingbeings and […]
VEGETAL July 25 SUMMARY The relationship with Mother Earth is fundamental. Plants, fromphytoplankton in the oceans to towering trees, have made life on ourplanet possible. Through photosynthesis, they transform sunlight intoenergy, producing oxygen and essential nutrients. Without them, wecouldn’t breathe, feed ourselves, or even think. The plant network actsas the world’s nervous system, connecting data […]
MINERAL July 24 SUMMARY When you feel lost and the path seems uncertain, remember that trueguidance lies in connecting with Mother Earth and her mineral heart.Crystals and minerals hold the Earth’s memory and can help yourediscover your direction. By focusing on this connection, release theburden of others’ expectations and find strength in the stability andwisdom […]
ELEMENTAL July 23 SUMMARY The Atom, as an indivisible unit, is the foundation of all existence,projecting into the elements that compose our reality. These elementsare grouped into categories reflecting different aspects of the originalunity, such as Fire, Earth, Water, and Air, all emerging from Ether, thecenter of all things. By understanding the atomic nature and […]
ATOMIC July 22 SUMMARY Accepting that existence is a projection of our perception changesour view of reality. Everything we feel and touch seems real, but it’smerely a perception, like a hologram. At the most fundamental level, theuniverse is composed of indivisible particles, what the ancients called”atoms”. These particles, though divisible further, represent theindivisible unity of […]
EXISTENTIAL July 21 SUMMARY To exist is a continuous journey of moving away from what we were tobecome something new. We are not merely beings occupying space and time,but expressions of a force seeking liberation and transcendence. Byquestioning why we exist, we understand that our essence is revealed inevery step we take, every change we […]
UNIVERSAL 20 JULY SUMMARY Matías invites us to reflect on our true essence. Through the analogyof perception, he reminds us that our reality is a limitedinterpretation of our senses. He leads us to understand that, asobservers of our own history, we are protagonists in a vast universe ofpossibilities. True universal consciousness involves not controlling orlimiting, […]
UNCONSCIOUS 19 JULY SUMMARY Matías’s text reminds us that all negative emotions we experience,such as fear, shame, and frustration, are chapters of our personalhistory that drive us to grow and evolve. These emotions are not aspectsto eliminate but understand as engines of our development. Byconfronting these feelings and understanding their origins, we canconsciously integrate them […]
APICAL MERISTEM 18 JULY SUMMARY Destiny is not a destination we reach but an internal force thatpropels us from our roots, shaped by the past. Just as the apicalmeristem of a plant guides its growth deep into the soil, ourunconscious and past experiences chart the path we follow. Although wemay face pressure and pain, these […]