The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.

Academic Courses

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Jul 26, 2024




The consciousness of fauna is linked to the essence of the AnimalKingdom, whose movement and vital energy manifest in the pursuit ofpleasure, feeding, rest, and reproduction. This primordial energy,represented by the Faun, symbolizes both chaos and fear as well asfertility and the joy of living. The deep connection between livingbeings and the essence of the soul is reflected in their ability tomove, animate, and live. Animal consciousness encompasses both basicinstincts and the conscious impulse to discover, create, and dream, thusintegrating an essential part of our existence as living beings inharmony with nature.


"Awaken the true animal within you, the Faun who delights in nature,and enjoy the Great Family of which you are a part."


  1. Meditation of the Animal Kingdom

Find a comfortable place: Preferably outdoors, in a park orforest.

Relaxed posture: Sit comfortably with your back straight and handsresting on your knees.

Rhythmic breathing: Inhale and exhale at a steady pace, allowing yourmind to calm.


Imagine yourself transforming into a Faun, a being half-human,half-animal, enjoying nature.

Visualize all the animals around you: birds flying, deer grazing,fish swimming in a nearby river.

Regression application and alignment: Past Lives

Jul 26, 2024
Explaining the various scenarios and potential applications we can use to help expand perspective and release emotion. We conduct a short alignment in English and Spanish at the end of the video. (I will do this so people can follow along in meditation)
Jul 25, 2024


July 25


The relationship with Mother Earth is fundamental. Plants, fromphytoplankton in the oceans to towering trees, have made life on ourplanet possible. Through photosynthesis, they transform sunlight intoenergy, producing oxygen and essential nutrients. Without them, wecouldn't breathe, feed ourselves, or even think. The plant network actsas the world's nervous system, connecting data and generating vitalinformation for our existence. Connecting with plants means connectingwith planetary consciousness, receiving wisdom and guidance. MotherEarth, through her plant kingdom, sustains and nourishes us,illuminating our spiritual path.


"The union between human and vegetal consciousness is fundamental forthe transcendence of the planetary network."


  1. Breathing Meditation with Plants

Place a plant on a table in front of you or sit in a gardensurrounded by plants.

Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Breathe deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through yourmouth.

Visualize the process of photosynthesis: plants absorbing sunlight,water, and carbon dioxide, and releasing oxygen.

As you inhale, imagine absorbing the vital energy from the plant.

As you exhale, visualize releasing any tension or negativity,returning pure energy to the plant.

Continue this synchronized breathing for 10-15 minutes, feeling theconnection and energy exchange with the plant.

Slowly open your eyes and thank the plants for sharing their energywith you.

  1. Visualization Meditation of the Plant Network

Sit in a quiet place, preferably outdoors or near a window with aview of nature.

Close your eyes and take several deep breaths.

Visualize a luminous network connecting all the plants on the planet:trees, flowers, shrubs, algae, and phytoplankton.

Imagine this network extending and glowing, connecting every vegetalbeing with each other.

Visualize yourself as part of this network, connected through yourenergetic roots.

Feel the flow of information and energy circulating through thenetwork, nourished by the wisdom of the plants.

Stay in this visualization for 10-15 minutes, feeling the support andconnection of the plant network.

Thank the plant network for its presence and guidance before openingyour eyes and returning to your day.

Regression application and alignment: Womb

Jul 25, 2024
Explaining the various scenarios and potential applications we can use to help expand perspective and release emotion. We conduct a short alignment in English and Spanish at the end of the video. (I will do this so people can follow along in meditation)
Jul 24, 2024


July 24


When you feel lost and the path seems uncertain, remember that trueguidance lies in connecting with Mother Earth and her mineral heart.Crystals and minerals hold the Earth's memory and can help yourediscover your direction. By focusing on this connection, release theburden of others' expectations and find strength in the stability andwisdom that the Earth offers.


"Mother Earth, with her mineral interior, maintains the union of allthings... The Connection with all beings."


  1. Meditation on Connection with Minerals:

Gather several different minerals or crystals and place them aroundyou.

Sit comfortably among the crystals.

Close your eyes and take deep breaths.

Imagine each mineral around you as a guardian of the North, asdescribed in the text.

Visualize a light connecting each crystal to you and to each other,creating a network of energy and memory.

Meditate on this network for 10-15 minutes, feeling the connectionwith the minerals and their guidance on your path.

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