February 28, 2021
In this dialogue, the loss of meaning and the search for the soul’spurpose are explored. As the existence is questioned and the limitationsof the ego are transcended, it is understood that true purpose is nottied to tangible goals but is part of an eternal cycle that encompassesall lives and forms. Jupiter, as the Father of Light, represents thegreatness of being and transcendence, reminding that each individual isthe creator of their own purpose and the light that guides theirpath.
“The greatness of Jupiter is not to remind you that you have apurpose; its greatness is to remind you that You Are the Purpose.”
Soul purpose connection meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each dayto sit in silence, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Then,visualize a bright light within you representing your soul’s purpose.Feel connected to that light and allow yourself to experience its energyand guidance.
Introspection meditation: Regularly take time to reflect on yourpurposes and goals in life. Ask yourself deep questions about what trulymotivates you and what makes you feel fulfilled. Write your thoughts ina journal to deepen your self-awareness.
Jupiter connection meditation: Imagine Jupiter as a symbol ofexpansion and transcendence. During your meditation practice, visualizeJupiter’s energy flowing through you, filling you with confidence,wisdom, and purpose. Feel how this energy propels you to reach yourhighest goals.