In the text, Matías reflects on the nature of the Fourth Dimensionand its relationship with physical and spiritual reality. Inintrospective dialogue, it explores how the Fourth Dimension manifeststhrough time and how perceptions and experiences in this dimension caninfluence life after death. Matías concludes that the key to navigatingthe 4D harmoniously is to live fully in the 3D, cultivating love and joyin the heart.
“Smile, and your smile will be eternal.”
Meditation of the eternal smile: Upon waking each morning, take amoment to gently smile at yourself in the mirror. Visualize that smileas an eternal echo extending through time and space, radiating love andjoy to all aspects of your being and to the world around you. Carry thatsmile with you throughout the day, reminding yourself of the universalconnection of love we all share.
Visualization of the inner cube: Close your eyes and visualize abright cube at the center of your being, representing your deepestessence and your connection to all dimensions. Notice how this cubeexpands and contracts with your breath, filling you with peace andharmony. Feel connected to the vastness of the universe through thisinner cube.