In the dialogue between “I” and “AM”, Matías explores the nature ofthe Ninth Dimension, conceptualizing it as the “Breath of God” and thesource of universal inspiration. At this level, it is understood thateverything in the universe is a manifestation of this divine breath,where exhalation and inhalation represent the expansion and contractionof cosmic energy. The Ninth Dimension is conceived as the origin of allforms of existence and the very essence of consciousness, where everyaspect of the universe is a projection of the cosmic mind. Matíascompares this understanding to the art of cinema, where the projectionof images on a screen represents the manifestation of inspiration in thehuman mind. In this way, the Ninth Dimension becomes the source of allcreativity and expression, inspiring beings to manifest their ownstories and experiences in the universe.
“The Ninth Dimension becomes the source of all creativity andexpression.”
Unity Meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each day to meditate on theidea that everything is One. Visualize the connection between allelements of the universe, from an atom to a galaxy, and feel the unitythat binds them.
Conscious Breathing: Practice conscious breathing using the words”Ham,” “Het,” and “Hum,” as mentioned in the text. With each inhalationand exhalation, focus on inspiration, sustenance, and exhalation, thusconnecting with the essence of the Ninth Dimension.