June 16, 2021
During a special broadcast, Matías and his team performed Piazzola’s”Balada para un Loco,” improvising and exploring bipolarity. Thisallowed them the freedom of expression that transformed chaos into aharmonious flow of creative energy, connecting art and explanation. Thedifference between art and entertainment was highlighted: art transformsand nurtures, while entertainment distracts. Matías reflected onappearances and how superficiality can lead to erroneous judgments. Heacknowledged the importance of delving beyond the visible and managingsexual energy to transcend appearances and be authentic.
“Art is the ability to take one reality and transform it intoanother, showing a mutable action that proposes beauty, harmony, andcontent capable of nurturing both the creator and the receiver.”
1.Creative Transformation Meditation
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take several deepbreaths.
Visualize a situation in your life that you would like totransform.
Imagine you have a magical brush and start painting over thatsituation, adding colors and shapes that represent beauty, harmony, andpositive content.
As you visualize, repeat in your mind: “I transform my reality withbeauty and harmony.”
Continue for 10-15 minutes, feeling how your creativity transformsthe situation.
2.Reflection and Self-Acceptance Meditation
Find a quiet place and sit comfortably.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply, relaxing your entire body.
Reflect on a judgment or appearance that has recently dominated yourlife.
Ask yourself: “What does this situation reflect about me?”
Mentally repeat: “I recognize that what I experience is a reflectionof who I am.”
Maintain this meditation for 10-15 minutes, allowing self-acceptanceto fill you.
3.Awareness of Appearances Meditation
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and breathedeeply.
Visualize a fruit, observing its different states: green, ripe, andwithered.
Reflect on how each state has its own purpose and utility.
Mentally repeat: “I do not judge by appearances, but I observe tounderstand.”
Continue meditating on this idea for 10-15 minutes, applying it tosituations and people in your life.