February 10th, 2021
This text reflects the transition from Leo to Aquarius on the path ofself-discovery. Through this dialogue, Matías understands the importanceof letting go of old beliefs and attachments to embrace the freedom,detachment, and renewal that Aquarius represents. Learning to love andlet go of control is a central challenge in his spiritual evolution.Matías realizes that he must free his mind from preconceptions andprejudices, weaving a conscious web instead of maintaining ties thathold him back. This process allows him to nourish his spirit withfreedom and welcome the Age of Aquarius.
“The Universe is unity, and the only way to understand this is fromthe Void.”
Universal Connection Meditation: Sit in silence and bring yourattention to your breath. Then, expand your awareness to feel connectedto the entire universe. Visualize a network of energy that connects youto all people and living beings. Feel this deep connection and recognizethat we are all part of a whole. Practice gratitude for thisinterconnection.
Personal Transformation Meditation: Reflect on areas of your lifewhere you feel you need to change or grow. Identify limiting beliefs orattachments that may be blocking your growth. Then, visualize yourselfreleasing those beliefs or attachments and transforming into a freer andmore expansive version of yourself. Feel the sense of empowerment andpositive change.