May 24
In the interaction between “I” and “I AM,” the depth and spiritualconnection between the human body and its internal systems, especiallythe Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems, are revealed. Through poeticanalogy, the heart is presented as the center of existence, driving theflow of life and energy through every cell of the body. The importanceof trust and harmony in the balanced functioning of this system isemphasized, reflecting an organic economy based on giving and receiving.The narrative highlights the interdependence and unity of all elementsof the body, symbolizing the essential connection between the individualand the universe.
“The circulatory system is like the connection system between alldimensions, death and life, the flow of existence, where souls travelthrough bodies, reincarnating, following their own paths, in herds, inmonads, and yet, being all one.”
Universal Heart Meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each day to sit insilence, close your eyes, and focus on your heart. Imagine your heart asthe center of a vast universe, radiating love and compassion to allpeople and living beings. Visualize how your heart sends pulses ofpositive energy into the world, connecting you with the unity andinterconnectedness of all things.
Conscious Breathing: Practice conscious breathing to nourish yourbody and mind. Focus your attention on your breath, observing how theair enters and exits your body. With each inhalation, imagine that youare absorbing vital energy and nutrients that feed every cell of yourbeing. With each exhalation, release any tension or worry, allowing yourbody to relax and feel renewed.