May 22
Matías teaches us to see our body as a reflection of the cosmos,where each organ is a portal between our material being and universalenergy. This approach transforms our perception of ourselves, remindingus that we are custodians of a sacred temple that houses the spirit ofthe universe, with the power to influence our reality and well-beingthrough consciousness and self-care.
“The organs are the mechanism, the instrument, that allows theUniversal Mind to manifest in matter, in reality, and live itsideas.”
Systemic Connection Meditation: This meditation aims to recognize andharmonize the systems of your body with the universal mind. Sit in aquiet place, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Visualize how eachsystem of your body (circulatory, nervous, digestive, etc.) functions inharmony. Imagine a white light flowing through these systems, connectingthem with the energy of the universe. This practice will help you feel agreater connection between your physical well-being and your spiritualstate.
Prism of Light Meditation: Inspired by the prism metaphor in thetext, this meditation can help you explore different aspects of yourbeing. In a relaxed environment, visualize a beam of white lightentering through the crown of your head and passing through a prismlocated in your heart. Observe how this light breaks down into colorsrepresenting different aspects of your life: emotional, physical,mental, and spiritual. Focus your attention on each color, exploring thefeelings and thoughts associated with them.