In this dialogue, Matías reflects on an experience at the Temple ofHorus in Edfu, where he felt the responsibility to ask for forgivenessfor the disrespect of others during a spiritual ceremony. A priestteaches him that forgiveness not only involves freeing oneself fromguilt but also releasing the other from their emotional burden. Throughthe conversation, Matías understands that forgiveness is a personalliberation that involves releasing stagnant emotional energy and sharingthe burden with others. He realizes that resentment arises when theemotion persists, while memory allows understanding and transcendingconflicts. By understanding forgiveness as an act of mutual liberation,Matías acknowledges his role in personal and collective evolution. Hecommits to practicing forgiveness as a seeding of light and freedom inthe world.
“Forgiveness is the act of releasing that emotion that is stagnantwithin us, produced by the attitude of others.”
Practice of conscious forgiveness: Dedicate a few minutes each day tomeditate on situations where you have experienced negative emotions,such as resentment or grudge. Visualize the people involved and repeatthe phrase “I forgive you” mentally while taking deep breaths. Imaginehow you release the negative energy associated with those experiencesand open yourself to the possibility of healing and liberation.
Meditation for emotional release: Find a quiet place where you cansit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and focus on yourbreath, allowing any repressed or stagnant emotions to surface. Allowyourself to feel and experience these emotions without judging orsuppressing them. Then, visualize how these emotions dissolve andtransform into light, releasing their energy from your being.