9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.




In this dialogue, Matías explores the relationship between suffering, change, and conscious transformation. He argues that life’s wounds and traumas can be seen as fertilizer for personal growth, and that evil in the world comes from those who have not given their best. Through forgiveness and understanding, pain can be transformed into change and learning. The difference between forced change and conscious transformation is discussed, and looking back reveals how difficult moments have shaped us. The importance of living consciously, accepting, and learning from changes is emphasized. The text invites us to change through example and understanding rather than imposition. Consciousness is seen as a tool to make sense of suffering and find purpose in every change. Finally, it is recognized that each change has led us to who we are today, and the idea that we are pillars of conscious change and transformation in life is established.


“Honor your path. When you understand the great changes, you will turn the bad things that have happened to you into fertilizer for your future transformations.”


  1. Inner Fertilizer Meditation: Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit in meditation. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply and exhale gently. Visualize the painful experiences of your past as fertilizer for your inner growth. Imagine how these experiences have strengthened you and led you to who you are today. Feel the transformation that these experiences have brought about in you. Repeat mentally: “Every wound makes me stronger, every challenge is fertilizer for my growth.” Stay in this meditation for a few minutes, feeling the connection to your process of transformation.
  2. Forgiveness and Transformation Meditation: Sit in a quiet place and breathe deeply to center yourself. Bring to your mind a person or situation that has caused you pain or conflict. Visualize that person or situation in front of you. Breathe consciously as you do this. As you inhale, imagine that you are inhaling understanding and forgiveness. As you exhale, send that understanding and forgiveness to the person or situation. Visualize how this process of understanding and forgiveness transforms negative energy into positive energy. Feel how you free yourself from any emotional burden related to the past. Repeat the mantra: “I forgive, I understand, and I transform. My heart is liberated and open.” Stay in this meditation for as long as you need, feeling the inner release and transformation.
  3. Meditation of the Pillars of Consciousness: Find a quiet place to sit in meditation. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling consciously. Visualize two solid and luminous pillars in front of you. One represents Change, and the other represents Consciousness. Imagine how these pillars support and guide you on your life’s journey. Feel the firmness and security they provide to your being. As you focus on each pillar, repeat silently: “I am a Pillar of Conscious Change” and “I am a Pillar of Conscious Transformation.” Feel how you connect with your ability to learn, transform, and live consciously. Maintain this meditation for several minutes, sensing the presence and power of these pillars in your life.
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