Rainbow Bridge

Be part of the planetary network from your home.

9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.




July 9, 2021


In this dialogue, Matías explores the complexity of the human mindand the depths of the subconscious. As he struggles with physical andemotional exhaustion, he confronts the fears, insecurities, andrepressed memories that emerge from deep within. The conversation spanstopics from the difference between the conscious, subconscious, andsupraconscious to the pain of facing independence and loneliness.Matías, in a state of vulnerability, accepts that he is symbolicallydying, allowing his old identities and attachments to fade away to bereborn as the eternal dreamer. Through this conversation, we arereminded of the importance of accepting our shadows, diving into ourinternal oceans, and embracing the transformation that self-explorationand release bring.


“ Allow your old identities and attachments to fade away to be rebornas the eternal dreamer.”


  1. Connection with the Subconscious Exercise

Find a quiet place where you can sit or lie down comfortably.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply, allowing your body to relax witheach exhalation.

Visualize an iceberg floating in a vast ocean. Imagine that you arethat iceberg.

Feel the small visible part above water representing yourconsciousness.

Focus on the submerged part, your subconscious. Visualize everythinghidden beneath the surface, most of your being.

Allow yourself to explore that space without judgment, recognizingthat it contains both treasures and challenges.

Maintain this visualization for about 10-15 minutes, letting anyimage or feeling emerge.

Conclude the exercise with several deep breaths and an affirmation ofacceptance of all that you are, both conscious and unconscious.

  1. Releasing Inner Chaos Meditation

Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Breathe deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through yourmouth.

Imagine floating in the ocean, surrounded by water on all sides.

Feel the pressure of the water around you, representing repressedemotions and thoughts.

As you breathe, visualize each exhalation releasing a small part ofthat inner chaos, like bubbles rising to the surface and bursting.

Continue breathing and releasing for 15-20 minutes, allowing yourmind to clear slowly.

End the meditation with a deep breath and an affirmation oftranquility and clarity.

  1. Active Imagination Exercise

Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.

Sit or lie down comfortably and close your eyes.

Breathe deeply several times, focusing on relaxing.

Begin to imagine you are walking in a musical where each situationhas its own music.

Allow your mind to open to any image, sound, or sensation thatarises.

Observe these images and sensations without trying to control them,just let them flow.

After about 20 minutes, slowly return to reality, bringing with youany message or feeling received during the active imagination.

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