The dialogue between “I” and “AM” explores the nature of utopia as anidea, a perfect dream that drives humanity to create, discover, andprogress. It is suggested that ideologies are like utopias themselves,but clinging emotionally to an idea hinders its manifestation. The keyis to release the expectation of living in utopia and recognize that onealready lives in it, assuming the responsibility to make every moment anexperience of a dream or nightmare. Ultimately, it is asserted that theindividual is both the dream and the dreamer, and their coherencedetermines the manifestation of utopia in their life.
“Become your dream, and you will live your utopia.”
Meditation on impermanence: Reflect on the idea that everything inlife is transient and that utopias are like fleeting images. Dedicate afew minutes each day to meditate on the ephemeral nature of things andhow you can learn to flow with changes instead of clinging to fixedideas.
Creative visualization: Spend time visualizing your own utopia, theideal world you wish to create in your mind. Imagine all the details,from how you feel in that place to how you interact with others. Thispractice will help you connect with your personal vision and give youclarity on what you truly want to manifest in your life.