The text highlights the importance of the question “What?” as thesource of energy for the Month of Aries. It emphasizes that the questionis the key to consciousness and wisdom, as it invites us to question,learn, and evolve. Additionally, it underscores the need to rethink likea child, questioning everything to discover ourselves. The questionallows us to explore our inner and outer universe, and it propels us toembark on the journey of life with awareness and self-discovery.
“The question is the origin, the beginning by which we all must startlife, the question is the key to finding the answers.”
Meditation on the question “What?”: Dedicate a few minutes each dayto sit in silence and repeat the question “What?” in your mind. Allowyourself to explore the answers that arise and observe how you connectwith your own inner wisdom.
Self-Inquiry Meditation: Ask yourself deep questions about yourself,as suggested in the text. Write them down in a notebook and take sometime each day to reflect on them silently. Observe the answers thatemerge from within you.