Matías reflects on the religiosity in his country, contrasting itwith his secular upbringing. He highlights the difficulty ofunderstanding the need for security that religion offers to some people.He explores the difference between religion and spirituality, usingmetaphors like the GPS and the fishbowl. He advocates for spiritualityas freedom and total connection with oneself and the universe. Heconcludes that spirituality is the path towards internal coherence andharmony with the environment, where freedom lies in exploring differentpaths without adhering to dogmas.
“The spiritual path is filled with different routes, roads, and allare valid.”
Connection with Breathing: Dedicate a few minutes each day topractice conscious breathing. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, andfocus on your breath. Observe how the air enters and exits your body,feeling each inhalation and exhalation.
Meditation on Freedom: Reflect on the idea of inner freedom as youmeditate. Visualize a fishbowl symbolizing the limitations imposed byreligion or cultural beliefs. Then, imagine breaking that fishbowl andswimming freely in an infinite ocean, representing spirituality withoutlimits or restrictions.