Matías reflects on his personal growth and perception of flow in hislife. As he has aged, he expected to develop more mental and emotionalstructures, but he has realized that he has actually stopped clinging topre-established systems. In a conversation, he acknowledges that hedoesn’t have a defined system and has learned to flow, letting thingshappen. However, his interlocutor warns him not to turn flowing into hisonly way of life, explaining that flow must have parameters to maintainbalance. They compare flow to ocean currents and how each individualmust decide when to leave them to forge their own path. Matíasunderstands that flow is not a way of life, but a means to reachdestinations, and recognizes the importance of building his own realityafter flowing.
“Flow indicates where to go, but what you do when you get there willdepend on you.”
Meditation on conscious flow: Dedicate a few minutes each day to sitin silence and observe how your thoughts and emotions flow. Acknowledgethat, like currents in an ocean, your thoughts and emotions areconstantly in motion. Allow them to flow without clinging to them orjudging them.
Visualization of the universe’s current: Imagine yourself in themidst of a vast cosmic ocean, where energetic currents represent theflows of life. Visualize how you move within these currents, being awareof their direction and strength. Practice feeling in harmony with thesecurrents, allowing them to guide you towards your destinations.