9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.




The base chakra is also called the root chakra because it is connected to the energy of the earth. The knees are like nodes that accumulate nutrients and are considered an additional chakra. They represent our connection with history and our ability to adapt. We cannot eliminate our past, but we can redefine it and use it as a foundation to build our future. It is important to take action and change our attitudes and actions to find new meanings and purposes in our lives. In this way, we honor our roots and become the best version of ourselves.



“Redefine yourself, honor your father and mother, all your roots, and become the tree that you are.”



  1. Meditation of connection with the earth: Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine that you are connected to the energy of the earth through your roots, just like a tree. Visualize how that energy flows from the earth to your root chakra, filling you with stability and strength. Breathe deeply and feel how you root yourself in the present.
  2. Meditation of redefinition: Choose a limiting attitude or belief that you would like to redefine in your life. Sit in silence and observe how that belief has affected you in the past. Then, visualize how you can transform it into something positive and constructive. Feel how that new perspective empowers you and motivates you to take different actions in your life. Repeat positive affirmations related to this new perspective.
  3. Meditation of ancestral gratitude: Take a few moments to honor and thank your ancestors for everything they have passed on to you. Sit in a quiet place and, in silence, name in your mind those family members who have contributed to your life in some way. Visualize a loving connection with them and thank them for their teachings and strengths that have allowed you to become who you are today. Feel the deep connection with your family roots.
  4. Meditation of conscious action: Choose a situation in your daily life in which you want to change your automatic reaction. Before facing that situation, take a few minutes to meditate in silence. Visualize how you would like to act differently, more consciously and balanced. Imagine how you would feel and how that would positively impact your experience. Then, carry that intention with you and practice acting according to it when you find yourself in that situation.
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