April 28, 2024
Matías reflects on his experience at the pyramids, feelingmelancholic as he sees them as ruins, recalling the once vibrant energythey held. Through an internal dialogue with himself, he explores theidea of destruction and perishment as an inherent part of the cosmos. Hedelves into the notion of eternal cycles of expansion and collapse,where everything that is created eventually decays to make way forsomething new. By recognizing the need to let go of the past and embracethe future, Matías understands that releasing is fundamental forevolution and growth. In this process of introspection, he finds the keyto transcendence and leaving his legacy for future generations.
“Perish, and only then can you be born.”
Practice of letting go: Dedicate a few minutes each day to sit insilence and mentally visualize something you’re clinging to in yourlife, whether it’s an emotion, a thought, or a past situation. With eachdeep breath, imagine that you’re releasing that attachment and allowingit to dissolve into the universe. Repeat affirmations like “I am willingto let go of what no longer serves me” or “The release of the old pavesthe way for the new.”
Cosmic connection meditation: Find a quiet place where you can sitcomfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you’re connecting with theuniversal energy flowing through you and everything around you. Witheach inhale, visualize how you absorb that positive and revitalizingenergy, and with each exhale, release any tension or worry. Feel howyou’re part of something greater and experience the sense of unity withthe universe.
Introspection meditation: Dedicate time each day to reflect on yourlife and experiences. Sit in silence and observe your thoughts andemotions without judgment. Allow yourself to feel any sensation thatarises, whether it’s joy, sadness, fear, or gratitude. Use this time toexplore your personal boundaries and be open to the possibility ofletting go of what no longer serves you.