9 Dimensions of Spiritual Reality


Be part of the planetary network from your home.

The Bridge of Rama


Be part of the planetary network from your home.



Be part of the planetary network from your home.




Everything around us, our “context,” influences who we are and how we feel. However, we are also creators of that context. Like a spider weaves its web, the Universe weaves the web of existence, in which we are all interconnected. Sometimes, we feel trapped in this web, like insects in a spider’s web. But if we tune into the fabric of the universe and remember that we are an essential part of it, we can influence the whole. To truly change our reality, we must “learn and integrate ” the essence of things, not just learn about them. It’s like the difference between knowing the musical notes and truly feeling the music. Looking back, the first experiences we live, the first words we say, deeply impact how we see and live the rest of our lives. By recognizing and honoring those roots and understanding our place in the fabric of the universe, we can begin to weave a new reality for ourselves and for the whole.



“Everything that exists is inevitably connected; no one creates their own reality, but we all co-create the universe around us.”



  1. Contextual Connection Meditation: Reflect on the following  “Learn” and “Learn and Integrate.” Sit in silence and observe how these words relate to your own life. Visualize moments when you have absorbed knowledge solely through repetition (learning) and moments when you have seized and transformed that knowledge into something of your own (learning and integrating). Do this for a few minutes each day, allowing yourself to understand the difference and its impact on your life.
  2. Reconnection with Context Meditation: In a quiet place, take some time to reflect on the people in your environment who have significantly influenced your life. Close your eyes and visualize each one of them. Feel their presence and thank them for what you have learned and integrated from them. Visualize how each lesson or value you have acquired is woven into the fabric of your being. Feel how you are connected to the web of life through these connections.
  3. Pattern Transformation Meditation: If you have identified learned patterns that do not serve you, such as a tendency to want to do everything quickly, meditate on them. Sit in silence and bring your attention to a specific pattern. Imagine how you could learn and integrate from this pattern and transform it into something more beneficial for you. Visualize the process of change and how you feel when releasing the old response.
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